JF Possibilities' mirror of NTC's CHIP-tools images

This is a mirror of the "stable" image files I found available as of 2018-02-25. You can browse the available images here. The path structure is setup such that all you should need to do to use it is alter the domain name in the "DL_URL" variable in the "chip-update-firmware.sh" script. You can get CHIP-tools from this mirror.



SCRIPTDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
source $SCRIPTDIR/common.sh



Change it this way:


SCRIPTDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
source $SCRIPTDIR/common.sh



That should be all there is to it. I'd appreciate frugal use of my server's resources. This is easily accomplished by keeping the images you flash on your machine. By default the script saves them in the ".dl" folder located where ever you run the script from.

If you find this resource of value please drop me a line. My contact info is here.