Before NTC died I captured the CHIP firmware image files for the Chrome based flasher here as well as the "index.json" file used by the flasher to determine which images were available. In theory it should be a simple matter of repointing the JS flasher app here to pull images for flashing. Initially I did not have access to the Chrome flasher since I never used it. I run a Linux desktop and so was able to use the Linux flashing tools without the need for a browser or even the VMs NTC tried to push on to users.
That combined with the security implications of a browser being able to flash a CHIP I try never to run Chrome on my systems, hence I didn't use the flasher. And I did not have a copy available to backup or tinker with.
Recently a CHIPster informed me of a copy of the flasher that was packaged with some images and asked if I would add it to the archive. I am now including it in this archive so that those CHIPsters who find it useful may still be able to use it. The flasher can be donwloaded here: NTC FLASHER (1.7GB). Here is a video documenting how to use it.
*** WARNING ***: This ZIP file did not come from an official NTC source. Nor have I used it or vetted it. I am providing it as a service to community based solely on the recommendation of another CHIPster. You've been warned!
I hope you find this mirror useful. If you do please drop me a line with the contact info available on my company site.